Break Metal & Parapet Cap


Break Metal is used for columns, risers, sill bases, platforms or to cover large areas adjacent to the storefront. It may also be used to cover or “clad” the storefront glazing system and doors. Break Metal is a term used to refer to almost any sheet metal that is formed into shapes using a large bending form or “break”—hence the name “break metal".


A parapet cap or coping is a barrier which is an extension of the wall at the edge of a roof, terrace, balcony, walkway or other structure.The horizontal top surfaces of walls and roofs are the most vulnerable point for water to enter the wall. There are a number of ways of protecting this surface with aluminum flashing alone.


Arizona Composite Metals
7200 W. Oakland St
Chandler, AZ 85226
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Queen CreekGlendalePeoriaSun LakesSun CityYumaApache JunctionGold CanyonPaysonFlagstaff

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